Course introduction Video:
Kolb's Learning Cycle:
The learning cycle model, developed by David Kolb, identifies four stages in learning. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford connected each stage in this learning cycle with a preferred learning style.
Stage 1 - Having an experience
Learning Style: Activist (learn best from activities where they can throw themselves into a task).
Stage 2 - Reflecting on the experience
Learning Style: Reflector (learn best when they can review what has happened).
Stage 3 - Acting differently as a result / planning the next steps
Learning Style: Pragmatist (learn best when an opportunity presents itself to learn on the job).
Stage 3 - Concluding from the experience
Learning Style: Theorist (learn best when they can understand what they have learned as part of a wider picture)
1. To familiarize the Moodle learning environment.
2. To Integrating technology into the ESL classroom.
3. To Provide an opportunity for the students to become Autonomous learner.
4. To lay the Foundation to become the 21st century learners.
5. To encourage the student participation using interactive activities.
6. To minimize the role of a teacher to facilitate the learning.
7. To enhance the collaborative learning using forum post and discussions.
8. To define the teacher's role as a facilitator.